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Eric Skipsey

Eric Skipsey

On January 29, 2018, Eric Skipsey, Montecito resident, distinguished photographer and longtime patient of Sansum Diabetes Research Institute, passed away at the age of 98.

Born in Canterbury, England in 1919, Skipsey was a decorated veteran of World War II and an accomplished figure skater before emigrating to Vancouver, Canada.

He moved to Los Angeles in 1956 where he operated a successful photography studio. He took portraits of the biggest stars in Hollywood at the time including Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, Clark Gable, Jimmy Stewart and Ronald Reagan, who Skipsey considered a friend.

Skipsey's photography portfolio was donated to the Santa Barbara Museum of Art, where he was a trustee.

Eight years ago, Skipsey taped a video testimonial for SDRI in which he said, in part, "Sansum Diabetes Research Institute is a great place to come. I'm very happy that Dr. Jovanovic was able to take me!"

Skipsey began supporting Sansum Diabetes Research Institute with donations in 1994 and continued to contribute throughout the years.

SDRI is honored that he chose to gift the Institute with a considerable bequest.

"By remembering SDRI in his will, Eric is helping us continue Dr. Sansum's quest to improve the lives of people with diabetes through ground-breaking work in research, education, and care," said Executive Director Ellen Goodstein. "We are truly grateful to Eric for providing for SDRI's future in this way."

Dr. Lois Jovanovic, former Chief Scientific Officer at SDRI, meeting with Eric Skipsey

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